Online Events

If you can't make events in person, maybe you are too far away from a community or you just can't make it, we've organised a series of online events that you can join in on.

The link for each event is under the description, just click "Join online meeting" to join and please put the date in your diary. If you wan't to participate more interactively check you have a webcam and microphone, though these are optional. When you participate in the meetings registration is optional, you can participate just by entering a name without registering.

10th February, 19.30 - Progresive Zionism for a Progressive Movement - Rabbi Stanley Davids, Jerusalem based Rabbi, Founder of the Reform Zionist Think Tank, member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel and member of the Executive Committee of the World Zionist Organization. CV
Rabbi Davids will be referring to the CCAR Platform on Reform Zionism which you can read here Rabbi Davids welcomes questions in advance via e-mail at
Join online meeting

16th February 19.30 - How do we engage with Israel from the UK? - Daniel Needlestone, Liberal Judaism's Officer for Israel and the Diaspora.
Join online meeting

24th February 16:00 - January Trip of the UK Task Force on issues facing Arab citizens in Israel - Lucian Hudson, Chairman of Liberal Judaism
Join online meeting CANCELLED - apologies we will try and reschedule another time